Question: What does this have to do with Peter's Gourmade Grill?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ... I don't know!!!!!!!! But as I had been hearing about the divine quality of food at Peter's Gourmade Grill and upon visiting Peter's Gourmade in Tustin recently, it sent me into an irrational passionate mood about food!!!!!!!!!!! Hence, the expression of my feelings regarding Michael McDonald, which by the way are 100% completely true and are in no way challengeable!!!!!!! Clear?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?! Good!!!!!!!!!!! Why you actin' crazy esse?!?!?!?! Don't you know I'm loco?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
To prepare myself for the massive swallowing of Peter's Gourmade food that I was going to partake in that day, I ate a very light dinner the night before, then fasted until about 3pm up until I walked into the entrance of Peter's and placed my unusually large food order!!!!!! I was starving and so so so so ready to obliderate all food that I paid for that came out of the kitchen at Peter's Gourmade!!!!!!! And what did I order, you might ask?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I ordered an ABC Burger that comes with pretty much everything including bacon and guacamole, Greek Fries which came with gyro meat, cheese, tomatoes, onions, and tzatziki, and a straight up Gyro that I think was made with like a lamb sausage!!!!!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lady behind the counter taking orders looked at me like, "are you really going to eat all of that by yourself?" Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
When they called my number and when my mountain of food was ready, I found a corner spot in the tiny cramped space that Peter's is located in and went to work!!!!!!!!!! I dug my fork into my Greek Fries like a ditch digger sticks his shovel in the sand at the beach to change the way waves break against the shore!!!!!! As soon as that combination of feta cheese, potatoes, lamb meat, onions, tomatoes and tzatziki slid across my moist lips and onto my tongue, I immediately dropped my fork and stared at my plate of food as though my dog was dropping a deuce on the living room rug.... I was like, What in the hell is going on?!?!?!?!?!?! But there were no negative connotations to my reaction!!!!! These fries absolutely brought me to my knees and I was blown away with how absolutely spellbinding they were!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!!! Maybe the best plate of starchy goodness that exists in all of Southern California!!!!!!! In all of Southern California!!!!!!!!! I'm not even joking!!!!!!!!!!! Certainly and undoubtedly the finest I've ever had.... EVER!!!!!!! Sampling these Gyro Fries are worth the trip to Peter's alone!!!!! Hell, if they charged a cover at the door at Peter's, I'd pay whatever they were asking to get inside the door and order a plate of those Greek Fries!!!!!! That's what I'm talkin' bout!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
Next, I tackled the ABC Burger!!!!! This was a massive ass burger!!!!!!!! It was piled high with so many toppings that it was astounding that this many toppings could be fit onto one burger!!!!!!!!!! The bun, fresh beef, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, guacamole, bacon, ketchup, mustard, and anything else you can think of was a triumphant edible achievement that sat in front of me and was soon to pressed up against my fat face!!!! Perhaps a step below Michael McDonalds songwriting accomplishments, but still a splendid and impressive tasting burger!!!!!!!!!!! The liquid combination of ketchup and grease began streaming down the side of my hand and on to my wrist with each bite I took of the ABC Burger!!!! I had to lick my hand after each bite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a little awkward looking!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
The final aspect of my Mediterranean/American feast consisted of a straight up gyro!!!!! To be honest, I've never been a huge gyro guy!!!!! But I was starving so I thought to myself, "Oh what the hell!! A gyro actually sounds kind of good!!" When I unwrapped the foil I saw that the gyro consisted of a wrap, lamb sausage, onions, tomato, and a cup of tzatziki!!!! When I poured my little cup of tzatziki all over the wrap and lamb, I rolled the gyro up as tight as I possibly could and stuffed as much of it into my mouth as I was capable of, much like a Kodiak bear eating a plate of hot dogs!!!!!! Remember when Kobayashi competed against that bear in the hot dog eating contest on Fox?!?!?!?!?!?!? I was trying to imitate the Kodiak bear!!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Anyway, the lamb sausage was excellent and the gyro reminded me of the fries as many of the flavors were similar!!!!!!!! This food was explosive and now has a special place in my heart as being one of the best restaurants in all of Orange County!!!!!!
Peter's Gourmade Grill is a g-damn Orange County landmark!!!!!!! The Nixon Library, Mission San Juan Capistrano, John Wayne's yacht, Disneyland, the burial place of Pamela Courson, and now.... Peter's Gourmade Grill!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't argue with me!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you disagree with Peter's Gourmade being an Orange County landmark, then you haven't been there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You haven't been there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody who disagrees with me, clearly has never eaten Greek Fries at Peter's Gourmade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This food is that significant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On this Good Friday, we thank our Messiah for his sacrifice... And we can also thank Peter's Gourmade for their food and that they are open for business to prepare some of the most enjoyable food in this decent land of ours called Orange County!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus... And thank you Peter!!!!!!! Get on down to Peter's Gourmade and live your life!!!!!!! Step in to freedom and step in to real existence!!!! Eat this food!!!!!! Do it!!!!!!!! Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!