Just hammered... HAMMERED Harry's Deli in Irvine!! I had the pulled pork sandwich, rib-eye steak sandwich, pastrami sandwich and meatball sandwich!! I think I ordered from Harry himself and he probably thought I was taking a bunch of food back to my co-workers.... But it was all for me!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Dude, this place absolutely lives up to the hype! There is something refreshing about its location in a business park in Irvine. Not commercial, not flashy, just good food made for hard working people on their lunch breaks! The meatball sandwich was soooooo good!! I never had anything like it, ever.... EVER!!! Son of a bitch!!! Those meatballs were so g-dam good I might get back in my car and go back right now!!! I might do it!! I'll be thinking about Harry's all week! I'm seriously considering quitting my job and finding someplace to work over near Sky Park so I can have Harry's every day for lunch!! I'm not kidding!! That's what this food will do to you!!! Prepare to embark on a journey of addiction to Harry's Deli if you try this food!! Not sure if that's a bad thing!!! An intervention will be coming my way I'm sure as i will be frequenting Harry's and stuffing my face with their meatballs until I tip the scales at 3 bills!! I'll have no regrets either!! Ahhhhhh hahahahahaha!!!!
When I walked in to Tacos Jalisco I knew I was in for a treat as I was the only white guy and English speaker in the joint!!! Ahahahahahaha!!!! Ahhhh hahahaha!!! C'mon, I love my Latino brothers and sisters!!! I had these shrimp quesadillas that were the special of the day... I hadn't eaten anything for hours and I was famished after a long day of work. With an empty stomach and delirium spewing from my essence I bit into the shrimp quesadillas and was sent in to another reality!!! It was as though I was sitting naked in the desert at Burning Man and some stoner dropped an acid pill on my tongue!!!! But the acid wasn't a pill, it was these shrimp quesadillas from Tacos Jalisco!!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I mean good God these things were tasty!!! They were filled with stringy melted cheese, fresh shrimp, and covered in a golden crispy fried tortilla!!!!! These shrimp quesadillas very well may be the greatest Mexican food dish in the entire Orange County area!!!! In all the area!!!!!! Now, I'm not talking about the high end Mexican restaurants with master chef's working in the kitchen, I'm talking about the greatest in terms of down home, ma and pa street food!!!! They are the greatest!!!! The greatest!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Actually, there's nothing funny about that statement!!!! It's true!!!!!
But while I was sucking down those shrimp quesadillas I realized they weren't enough for me!!! It was like I was sipping a cocktail after a long week of work and had just captured a beautiful feeling buzz and I needed to nurse it and intensify it as best I could!!!!!! Something snapped inside of me upon devouring my shrimp quesadillas and I felt as though I may never have another eating moment like this again in my life!! I walked back up to the counter and ordered a carnitas plate with rice and beans and extra tortillas, 5 carne asada tacos, and a chicken quesadilla!!! My friends were like, "Damn dude, that's a lot of food." Hey! Mind your own business!! I will eat guilt free and with reckless abandonment!!! Ahhhhhhh hahahahahaha!!! If you're like me and are passionate about Mexican food, then get your arssss over to Tacos Jaliscos in Orange!!! When you're there, make sure you feel the hunger, and to eat passionately!!! Tacos Jalisco is the perfect place for that kind of eating attitude!!! Viva Mexico!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Recently I was out of the country for an extended period of time and while overseas I had one of the most intense hankerings for American pizza that I have ever experienced! When I got home I began thinking long and hard about how and where I was going to quench this seemingly undying hunger for pizza! After some time I remembered that Round Table in FR had an all you can eat lunch buffet! Upon this fact being rekindled in my mind, I drove over to Round Table and arrived right at 11am when the buffet started. When I walked in and smelled the smell of fresh pizza coming out of the oven, my mouth began to salivate and my hunger became even more intense!! Let me just cut to the chase.... I had 24 slices of pizza that day!!!! Ahhhhhh hahahahaha!!!! After slice number 24, I walked outside and threw up all over sidewalk!!! Not because the pizza was bad, but because it was so good and I couldn't stop eating!!! Are you hungry? Is your hunger intense and in need to be satisfied and smothered? Might I suggest Round Table for the all you can eat lunch buffet! Shovel that pizza in your face until you are literally moved to up-chuck! Believe me, you won't regret it!!! Ahhhhhhhh hahahahahahaha!!!!
Let me just say this, the pizza, pasta, burgers and sandwiches are unreal!! Oh, and let us not forget the wonderful tasting beer!!! Suck down a few Jeremiah Reds and when you're good and buzzed stuff your face full of their doughy deep dish pizza!! Go during happy hour and you can get mini pizzas for 1/2 price as well as pints for $3.75. My recommendation is to get 2 mini pizzas, a meatball sandwich, and their Pirahana Pale Ale Nachos!! It sounds like a lot of food, but after you're feeling nice and warmed up with 2 Jeremiah Reds (7% alcohol) you can pound that food like it's nothing!!! Do it now!!! Ahhhhhhh hahahahahahaha!!!!!
The Tecate Beer Battered Fish Tacos done Baja Style are so pleasurable to eat that I felt as though I was sinning against God Almighty with each bite I took!! Had 4 fish tacos, 2 carnitas tacos, 2 chicken tacos and 2 carne asada tacos and it was easily a top 50 all time eating experience for me!! There is no place better on the planet for tacos than Chronic! Go to Chronic! Eat hard or don't eat at all!!! Ahahahahahaha!!!!!
This food is absolutely life changing!!! One Sunday afternoon some friends of mine asked me to meet them here for some lunch!! I hadn't even ever heard of Habana and had zero expectations regarding the food!!! After looking over the menu for a few minutes I ordered the roasted half chicken with garlic and I was absolutely put on my ass with how good the flavors were! Hey-O!!!!! I only have one bit of advice for you... Eat at Habana!!!! Ahhhhhhh hahahahahaha!!!!
Burger Continental is hands down one of the greatest institutions in Pasadena history! Maybe in the history of Los Angeles!!! The burgers and all you can eat Mediterranean salad bar are absolutely life changing!! Plus they give you free chips and salsa on top of all of that!!!! It's a lot of damn food!!! Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I have spent many dollars and many hours in this fine eating establishment either after a UCLA football game or in between classes!! Burger Continental is at the core of my identity as a human being!!! Needless to say, it will always have a special place in my heart! Be sure to dine in when the belly dancer is there or when the polka band is playing! Ahahahahahaha!!!