Recently I was out of the country for an extended period of time and while overseas I had one of the most intense hankerings for American pizza that I have ever experienced! When I got home I began thinking long and hard about how and where I was going to quench this seemingly undying hunger for pizza! After some time I remembered that Round Table in FR had an all you can eat lunch buffet! Upon this fact being rekindled in my mind, I drove over to Round Table and arrived right at 11am when the buffet started. When I walked in and smelled the smell of fresh pizza coming out of the oven, my mouth began to salivate and my hunger became even more intense!! Let me just cut to the chase.... I had 24 slices of pizza that day!!!! Ahhhhhh hahahahaha!!!! After slice number 24, I walked outside and threw up all over sidewalk!!! Not because the pizza was bad, but because it was so good and I couldn't stop eating!!! Are you hungry? Is your hunger intense and in need to be satisfied and smothered? Might I suggest Round Table for the all you can eat lunch buffet! Shovel that pizza in your face until you are literally moved to up-chuck! Believe me, you won't regret it!!! Ahhhhhhhh hahahahahahaha!!!!

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