I happened to be driving back home the other day from San Gabriel (home of Petrillo's which has excellent pizza), and noticed that I would be pretty close to an eating establishment that is rated as a top-10 pizza place in the Los Angeles market according to Urbanspoon... Pizzamania in Whittier!!!!!
I mean, what a great name - Pizzamania!!!!It's like, I'm going maniacal for pizza and there's a movement of deeply committed, non-rational people who will act without thinking in regard to the food put out by Pizzamania!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Hell, I'd probably fit right in and find my niche in life if that were truly the case when it comes to the patrons of Pizzamania!!!!! Let's start a damned revolution over food because it's something that is worth fighting for and giving ones life for!!!!!! I'm a bit maniacal myself when it comes to eating, especially when eating tasty good pizza, and if that's what Pizzamania is all about, then consider me a foot soldier in the food revolution!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Is this making sense to anybody?!?!?!?!?! Yeah, me neither!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
So while I was driving down the 605, I exited Telegraph Rd., and as exited the offramp and began looking around at my surroundings, everything seemed strangly familiar to me!!! It was like I was having dejavu, like I had been in this area in a past life!!! I drove by a place called Maggie's Pub and I wanted to say that I had been there before, maybe had a meal or a beer, but I didn't know for sure!!!! Anyway, when I pulled into the parking lot of Pizzamania in Whittier I saw that there were people spilling out into the parking lot either waiting for a table, or waiting to pick up their pies that had been ordered over the phone previously that evening!!!! A good sign, I suppose, for this food being virtuous and of heroic proportions!!!!! But at the same time, I was going to have to wait!!!! Dammit!!!!!! Whatever, it's fine!!!! I recalled the words of St. Pauls letter to the Galatians about sowing patience, so I waited in line patiently to place my order!!! I could've just called in the order, but I wanted to look at the menu!!!!
When I walked through the doors of Pizzamania and looked around, I again began to have this feeling of dejavu!!!!!! What the hell?!?!?! "Damn, this place looks familiar!!!! Have I been here before?!?!?!?!?!?!?!," I thought. As I walked through the dining room, past the bar, and saw that the pizza was being tossed and baked right behind the lovely young ladies who were taking orders, it all came back to me like the Prodigal Son returning to his father!!!! I had in fact been to Pizzamania!!!!! But when and with who and why?!?!?!?! Many years ago, I dated a girl who grew up in Whittier and I think one day after visiting her family we came to Pizzamania!!!! I can't exactly remember the details, but I had in fact been to Pizzamania before!!!!! It totally blew my mind!!!!!! And you know, it then brought back memories of her, my ex girlfriend, Elissa!!!! I started to get kind of sad as I thought about my old girlfriend and how things ended between us!!! She was a really really nice girl, and pretty hot, but she smothered me and at the end of the day she wanted to get married and I wasn't ready to pull the trigger at that point in my life!!!!!! And and and... I was an a-hole!!! Needless to say, it didn't work out!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! But being back at Pizzamania was trippin' me out!!!!! I was trippin' like Tre in Boyz n' the Hood!!!!! "Tre, you trippin'!!!" Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
OK, enough of that!!! After I had looked over the menu and when I finally got to the counter to order, I decided to go with a medium Special which had on it pepperoni, ham, mushroom,onions, and green peppers!!! I remember my ex-girlfriend telling me the day we were at Pizzamania that there was this really overweight guy, who had slimmed down, who was the owner and would toss the dough every day himself!!!! She pointed him out to me the day we were there many years ago!!! Just a random fact that was rekindled!!!!! In fact, a lot of old memories have been rekindled on account of my visit to Pizzamania and I've now begun to think of my ex-girlfriend often and I wonder how she's doing these days?!?!?! I've looked for her on Facebook, Twitter and even called her old home number, but to no avail!!!! Elissa if you're out there... I love you!!!!!! I was so stupid to break up with you!!!!! I was immature and confused!!!!!! Please, take me back!!!!!! We can make it, Baby!!!! You an me!!!!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Anyway, I don't think the owner was there that night, but I could've been wrong!!!! After I had placed my order, I had quite a bit of down time in the cramped waiting room filled with other Pizzamania customers wanting to get their overeating on with Pizzamania!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! After awhile, they called my name and being that there was no traffic on the freeway, I sped home as fast as I could as I longed to be alone with my pizza just as much as I longed for another moment alone with my ex-girlfriend!!!! Damn I miss her!!!!!
As I pulled into my driveway, I carried my Pizzamania box up to my bedroom and across the threshold, like it was our wedding night and we were about to make sweet passionate love to one another!!!!! When I opened the box, everything smelled magnificent!!!! From the freshly melted mozzeralla, to the spiciness of the sauce, to the warm oven-baked crust, to the high quality ingredients, everything looked and smelled utopian!!!! My next step was to turn on the TV and find something to watch that would compliment the eating of my Pizzamania pizza!!!! Usually a show like Diners Drive-Ins and Dives, Man vs. Food, or No Reservations is the perfect amenity to eating sublime tasting food while you are emaciated and in need of an abundance of caloric intake!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Reruns of Man vs. Food happened to be on which made my meal with Pizzamania one of the most unforgettable instances in the history of my life!!!!! With each bite of Pizzamania pizza I took, a bubble of their spicy pizza sauce would pop up through the melted cheese like a puss ball escaping from a ripe zit on one's back!!! OK, maybe that's an unappetizing example, but you get my point, right?!?!?!?!?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! This pizza was superb and in fact was making me a bit manical!!!!! I started text messaging and e-mailing a bunch of border line innapropriate comments to people that I was not that close to!!!! Like associates at work and friends of friends on Facebook!!!!!! It was like I had just downed a bunch of alcoholic beverages and had lost every single ounce of good judgement and common sense that was in me!!!! I was a maniac because I was eating Pizzamania!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I mean, that's what the flavors and quality of this pizza has the potential to do to you!!!! You'll go crazy!!!!!!! Excellent sauce, fresh cheese, quality dough, and beautiful tasting meats and veggies!!!!!! This is no doubt a top-10 LA pizza joint!!!!!! I honestly and truly believe that you could take this pizza and put it next to the top pizzas on the east coast and Pizzamania would hold it's own!!!!!! Pizzamania could stand in the g-damn ring or octagon and exchange blows or roll around on the ground with any pizza from the east coast!!!!! You hear that New York?!?!?!?!?! You hearing this?!?!?!?!?! We're not scared!!!!! We don't care!!!!! As Mike "the Situation" Sorrentino shouted and proclaimed just before his scuffle with Ronnie, "Let's do this!!!!!" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Pizzamania is fantastic!!!! The citizens of Whittier have been blessed by the Almighty in having this fine eating establishment in their town!!!! And Elissa, if you're out there, call me!!!!!! Send me a message!!!!!! I'll come for you!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

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