Thursday, September 15, 2011

Risky's Sports Bar & Grill: Taking Care of Business!!!

I went to Omaha a few weeks back to drink beer, eat a lot of food, and, oh yeah, take in a little bit of the College World Series!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! On like the second day of the CWS we were sitting in the unbearable Nebraska mugginess out in the right field stands when we struck up a conversation with some locals... After a little bit of chitter chatter and telling us where to go and what to see, they said to us that if we make our way over to Lincoln, then we've gotta hit a place called Risky's!!!! And that we did!!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Let me just say, that as I sat in those damned bleachers with beads of sweat sliding down my nose onto the pavement and with my skin turning red from the oppressive mid-west sun, I was dreaming of being anywhere that had cold beer and air conditioning!!! Side note: Why in the heck can't you find an imported beer anywhere in Nebraska?!?!?!? I mean, what the hell?!?!?!?! All they had was Budweiser, Bud Light, and Coors Light. Some places, like Risky's, had Sam Adams, but nothing from overseas!! My guess is you can find an import, but I never saw one... Jesus that was frustrating!!! Anyway, I digress.
The next day we went to Lincoln and found Risky's!!! Still reeling from that damned sun and humidity, I walked in to Risky's and felt the cool air blow onto my moist, sticky face!!! There was hardly anybody there, so I walked up to the bar and started slamming ice-cold Sam Adams like they were going out of style!!! I was channeling where I had been the day before in the right field bleachers and just kept drinking that nearly below freezing liquid until my mouth was numb!!!! It tasted sooooo good and was sooooo refreshing! It wasn't that I really wanted to keep drinking, it was just that I was trying to replace the lost fluids from the day before!!!!.... Well, maybe I did want to keep drinking!! And that I did!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! But don't worry, I was straight... for the most part!!
After I was feeling good and ... uh... hydrated, I ordered a cheeseburger and fries and found them to be delightful!! The burger was good sized and the beef was of a high quality!! The fries were also delicious!!! I drowned them in a pool of ketchup and devoured them like they were nothing!!! Oh baby that was nice!!
Risky's is right near the east campus of the University of Nebraska where all the aggie students hang!!! You can tell it's a place where all the Nebraska students would go to on a Friday night!!! I would guess, that after a long day of farming or shucking corn, Risky's has got to be a must!!! I mean, what the hell else are you going to do if you live in Lincoln?!?!??!?!?! Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!! No no no... Lincoln is actually a neat little town!!! However if I lived in Lincoln I would probably go insane due to the horrible weather and the fact that there is absolutely nothing to do there except farm!!! But if I did, I would hang at Riskey's and get my drink on like no other!!!! Ahahahahahahahahaahaha!!! Oh yeah, the food is good too!! When in Lincoln, do this place!!!! Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Risky's Sports Bar Grill on Urbanspoon

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